
In order to ensure the safety of all our visitors and drivers during their stay at the RACB Karting of Spa-Francorchamps, we ask them to take note of this regulation. 

Anyone entering the site of the RACB Karting of Spa-Francorchamps will be aware of the provisions therein. 

A summary of these rules is also available at the bar. 


Section 1

This regulation applies to all persons on or around the karting circuit and inside the Karting of Francorchamps. The access to the ground - both on the circuit and its outbuildings and all other grounds within the outer enclosure of the site - is at the risk and peril of those concerned. Owners, operators, managers, organizers of races / events can in no way be held responsible for theft and / or damage to property belonging to third parties, nor can they be subject to any claim for compensation. Furthermore, they cannot be held liable or subject to compensation claims, including for direct or indirect bodily injury resulting from or caused by any activity on the ground managed or operated by the karting of Francorchamps.

No unauthorized person may enter the circuit enclosure itself, except to drive a kart (driver) or to troubleshoot (mechanic) at the own risk of persons concerned. In the case of a breakdown, the kart must be removed as soon as possible from the circuit and the driver must ensure that it can be done in a secure manner. Mechanics, photographers or any other person wishing to enter the circuit must wear a fluorescent jacket beforehand and they will not be able to access it without the prior consent of a member of the karting staff.


Section 2

Private vehicles, caravans and trailers must, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the operator, be parked in the car parks provided for this purpose. They must be placed in such a way as not to be a nuisance for other users, the operator having the right to move the vehicle and / or the equipment concerned at the expense of the owner.

CAUTION: Vehicles cannot park on the tarmac at the lower parking lot and must stay more than 5 meters from the building so that everyone can easily connect to the electrical boxes.


Section 3

Go-karts and motorcycles only are allowed to enter the open paddock reserved for drivers and mechanics. They must be placed in a way that does not cause inconvenience to other users, the operator having otherwise the right to move the vehicle and / or equipment concerned at the expense of its owner. In case of race or rental of the land to one or third, all pilots / participants must always follow the instructions of the organizer and the land manager.


Section 4

The public, and anyone not driving kart (rental) or motorcycles, or not being directly and technically responsible, are not allowed to enter the circuit, nor in the closed park for drivers. Pilots and mechanics are not allowed to enter the drivers' park and / or the actual kart circuit if they have not passed the administrative check (during races) or if they have not paid the rental of the circuit at the bar (except race). Each driver or person wishing to enter the track must also sign a waiver beforehand (via registration at the bar). After registration, private pilots have a bracelet delivered to the bar, this bracelet must necessarily be worn at wrist level. It will be worn so as to be visible quickly in case it should be shown when entering the track.


Section 5

Anyone on or around the circuit, including drivers and mechanics, must also comply with the following:

All overflows and vents must be collected in a tank. All carburetor, engine and radiator overflows must be recovered in a tank with a minimum capacity of ¼ liter. These tanks must be regularly drained.

It is imperative that any kart used on the circuit be fully equipped with side fairings, a front spoiler and a rear bumper (metal or plastic) covering at least two thirds of the rear wheels.

When leaving the field, you must take all your waste (tires, bottles, tanks, packaging, etc.). Anyone leaving oil, fuel or other polluting substances on the site or on the car park of the Francorchamps karting will be issued a report for illegal dumping by the police of Stavelot and will be charged of €300 by the RACB Karting of Spa-Francorchamps.

For this purpose, the installation of a floor covering covering the working / living space of the occupants is mandatory, at the risk of being denied access to the car park of Karting Francorchamps.


Section 6

The driver must enter and leave the kart track via the entries and exits provided for this purpose at the paddock level to the drivers. The karts cannot be parked in the entry or exit lane of the driver park, not even on the side of the circuit. Pilots who are injured or have broken down must immediately go to a safe place, for example behind the safety tires, in order to avoid any accident and to guarantee their own safety, that of the drivers on the track and those of the other persons standing on or around the circuit.


Section 7

Before riding on the circuit with a kart (rental), everyone is obliged to register and pay the amount of the rental of the circuit. In the case of an accident or accident caused by a driver other than the one who is registered, it is the latter, as well as the registered pilot, who will be held responsible and possibly prosecuted for the material, immaterial and bodily injury suffered by third parties and / or by the unregistered driver of the kart in question.


Section 8

In case of damages caused to the infrastructure, the following amounts will apply (excluding VAT):

- per closing element: 200 €

- per pylon / post: 75 €

- reception net: 150 € per net

For rentals, repair costs may be charged to the driver if the latter is at fault.


Section 9

Any infringement of articles 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 will be sanctioned by a fine ranging from 30 € to 300 € according to the conditions. In case of recidivism, the person (s) concerned (s) may be denied access to the circuit.


Section 10

Anyone entering the field accepts and agrees to comply with these rules and to follow the instructions of the circuit officials and their employees. In the event of non-observance of the signals or the orders of the person in charge of the circuit, of obvious imprudences, of damage or non-respect of this regulation, sanctions can be taken, going from the prohibition of driving and the exclusion to a procès-verbal and civil proceedings. No appeal is possible against the decisions made by the persons in charge of the circuit.


Section 11

Holders of an (annual) subscription that does not comply with the present regulations may, depending on the seriousness of the events, be subject to penalties ranging from the eviction of the land to the withdrawal of the subscription without the right to reimbursement of a part or the whole amount of the annual subscription, or even filing a complaint with the competent judicial bodies. The karting department of Francorchamps or its duly authorized representative is authorized to take any decision concerning the sanction to be applied and this, without any right of recourse.


Section 12

Kart drivers - and if they are minor drivers: their parents, guardians or other officials - are responsible for the damage suffered, whether material or immaterial or bodily and must ensure correctly accordingly. The owners, operators, organizers and, by extension, any person directly or indirectly involved in the operation of the circuit and rental of kart (rental) or karting competitions cannot be held responsible or subject to no claim for compensation from pilots or persons / bodies assuming legal responsibility.


Any driver - and in the case of a minor pilot: his parents, guardians or other officials - and any mechanic waives, by his mere participation in kart racing, or even the mere conduct of recreational karts, any recourse against the Karting De Francorchamps as well as against the employees of these legal entities, for any possible error made by them before, during or after an activity or a race involving or having involved these legal persons or their employees. This waiver of recourse applies to both the damage suffered by the pilot in person, his team or members thereof, as well as the damage caused and to be compensated by the pilot, his team or members of that vis-à-vis third parties.


The pilot and his companions undertake to systematically exempt Karting De Francorchamps from any request that may be filed by third parties against the aforementioned legal entities and / or their employees because of facts, errors or negligence not only of the the pilot, his companions or certain members of it, but also employees of the aforementioned. This exemption extends to all amounts that may be granted to such third parties in principal amount, interest, indemnities or court costs.


Section 13

Anyone entering the circuit with a kart must be equipped as follows:

- a helmet corresponding at least to the BENOR label or covered by an approved CIK-FIA homologation;

- adequate gloves covering the hands completely;

- a pair of shoes protecting the ankles sufficiently;

- an effective and unbreakable face protection. A turbo visor is only allowed in case of rain or wet coating;

- a kart or homologated racing suit covering the entire body including arms and legs;

- rain gear cannot replace the clothes described above;

- For drivers under the age of 1515, thorax / rib protection and cervical protection are strongly recommended.


The above equipment, except helmet, is not mandatory for rental kart drivers.

The managers of Karting De Francorchamps can in no way be held responsible for checking the required attire.


Section 14

Picnics are prohibited within the building, all drinks or other food, from a purchase outside the cafeteria or its outbuildings, must be consumed outside the building only.


Section 15

Notice to bikers, the noise standards have been changed, it is imperative that the sound of the exhaust pipe no longer exceeds 100 decibels. If despite our warnings the problem should remain, then we will have to ban the track bike until the exhaust is brought back to the standards.

The parking and the paddocks are not a circuit, slow down and do not get out of it to get on the public road.

Wheeling is also prohibited on the track. Any behavior that is considered dangerous may be valid for exclusion of the track in the short or long term.


Section 16

For all the rules set out in this document, Karting de Francorchamps, or each employee or person legally representing it, reserves the right to apply sanctions in case of non-compliance.

Sanctions can range from a simple warning to the ban on going back to the track for the day or more, depending on the seriousness of the facts and without the right to a refund.



This Regulation, written on 09 April 2016.



The French text is authentic.